It took thousands of hours, overcoming incredible challenges, fundraising and foresight to protect our region from outside interests wanting to control media in our community. Our early organizers were — and continue to be — an incredible group of people. We thank them for their time, energy and legacy.
Special thanks to Todd Urick – founder of Common Frequency – national community radio organizer & field engineer – who gave our organizers an early (2006) heads-up regarding a possible FCC national ‘window’ for new FM noncommercial radio stations.
Read on to learn more...
Diane Bailiff
Bruce Baumrucker
Rand Dawson
David Dumas
Bill Durst
James Frazier
Stephen Hager
Joanna & Stuart Henderson
Richard Koehler
Don Landstrom & Zach Ruhl
Jack Lenox
Mary Lehman
Geraldine McMahan
Lea Patten
Don Patton
Eddie Ross
Judy Schwartz
Ali & Howard Shapiro
Sharon Stiles
Deb Todd & Ron Gerber (law firm) Rick Ulrich
Betty Uchytil
Jenny Velinty
Ann Waters
Steve Webster
Florence media activists received an email tip that the FCC was considering a decision to allocate the last US remaining public FM spectrum for full-power noncommercial-educational (NCE) stations. Such stations cannot air commercials or advertising. Local Station organizers held public meetings to inform the public of potential opportunities and ask if an application should go forward. Voiced sentiment supported going ahead.
January - Western Lane Transmitter (WLT) Board unanimously agreed to apply for a non-commercial educational (NCE) FM Station Radio Spectrum if the FCC opened it. March - the WLT Board created a team to fundraise for the potential FM Station FCC application. Station supporters prepared for the coming FCC station filing - FCC required that Applicants already have funding available for full construction and initial operation costs.
October - This photo shows actual hands of some of our early supporters. Supporters backed up their commitment to fund the anticipated costs for station construction and initial operational costs. The FCC opened a national 5-day "electronic window" for the new FM station applications - over 3,500 were received, which crashed the FCC system. KXCR anticipated this and by applying early avoided the collapse. Three other non-local competitors also filed for the same spectrum but wanted "main studio" waivers allowing remote operation of their Florence-area station - free and independent of any and all local participation and control. Such 'remote' operators could still seek local funding of their operations and yet remove such funding from the area.
March - Kickoff Supporter Potluck Events were held at the Siuslaw Public Library: Folks could bring a favorite vinyl or disc and be a DJ for 3 minutes while everyone ate. WLT station supporters prepare to pay Cottage Grove $1,500 to withdraw its conflicting overlapping application. This released the KXCR application from serial overlapping conflicts with over 10 Willamette Valley Stations. Local supporters John and Marsha Lang offered the entire $1,500.
This left KXCR with 3 primary competitors for local coastal area spectrum: 2 were based out-of-state and ran other radio systems. One entity described itself as a "leading boutique investment banking firm that provides mergers and acquisitions strategies." One Oregon entity had 8 other stations, largely with religious orientation. All three applicants were seeking to operate the Florence station with an FCC "Main Studio Waiver" that eliminated all forms of local participation and control in station operations.
WLT completed a large new 2d tower & went operational Dec. 2009.
October - The FCC made a final decision for the Central Coast Florence area FM spectrum, awarding KXCR a full-power radio station "Construction Permit" (CP) requiring On-Air operations before Oct. 21, 2013. December - A unanimous Dunes City resolution is adopted supporting KXCR station effort. A Lane County resolution is adopted supporting the KXCR station effort.
January - The FCC formally awarded the radio On-Air call sign "KXCR" to the station effort. WLT supporters respond to complex funding and administration needs by seeking an IRS 501(c)3 approval for a newly formed nonprofit entity. "KXCR Community Radio Partners" will assist WLT in operations and programming, including fundraising. WLT will retain ultimate license responsibility, but can work with community groups on operation and administration.
October - Local supporters financed the purchase of a potential studio across from the Siuslaw Public Library: They agree to finance the repairs & rehabilitation needed to transform the old residence into a functioning radio station. November - The IRS fully qualified "KXCR Community Radio Partners" as a 501(c)3 nonprofit entity, enabling it to more effectively assist in station funding and administration, in coordination and direction with WLT. December - KXCR supporters organized equipment purchases for the new tower-site transmitter and antenna.
March - A new KXCR 4-bay radio transmitting antenna set is installed on the WLT tower. December - A celebration of the station rehabilitation efforts is held and we began to prepare to go "On-Air."
April - KXCR is On-Air!! Spring - A $20,000 grant is received from Oregon Community Foundation to expand our station capabilities & local programming. The FCC accepts the License Management Agreement between WLT and KXCR Community Radio Partners (KXCR CRP), allowing station management by KXCR CRP under FAA rules. June - The City of Florence website listed KXCR under "Community Media" resources. September 8 - The FCC awarded WLT full Station status for KXCR. KXCR records showed 5,444.4 Volunteer hours at the station during the first 10 months.
Station's first website goes live.
David Barsamian gives a speech in support of KXCR on Oct 8th at 6:30 PM, at City Lights Cinemas. David is an internationally known author and producer of the “Alternative Radio” program for more than 25 years, where he arranged timely interviews around the world with such informed commentators as Vandana Shiva, Howard Zinn or Noam Chomsky.
January - KXCR begins Live Streaming on Twitch.
February - The leased station, after repairs and rehabilitation costs, was sold to KXCR Community Radio Partners for $150,000 - to be covered by monthly payments. Fall - Station upgraded to the SMARTS/SKYLLA Broadcasting System, improving our ability to automate station programming.
July - Our new enhanced website goes live.
Ron Adkins
Pattie Anderson
Ann and Cork Anson
Nancy Archer & Ron Hogeland
Diana Brandt
Theresa Baer
LindaLou & David Bellemore
Jacquie & Larry Beveridge
Peter Boyer
Liz Breon
Ginger and Arnold Buchman
Susan Canavarro
Cynthia & Mark Chandler
April and David Dumas
Micki Capen
Randy Curtola
Jack Clark
Pip Cole
Gale Connell
Paul Cornett
Howard Cusak
Sally Daugherty
Dick David
Larry DeBord
Meredith Draper
Caroline & Bob Estille
Ralph Farnsworth
Kimberly & Bill Fleenor
Joel Forbes
Jennifer French & Sally Wantz
Fuzzy Gates
Jay Goodwin
James Hagar
Stephen Hager
Brad Hanscom
Jill Hardin
Nan & Don Harvey
Eric Hauptman
Akiko Helwig
Nadya & Bill Henry
Rosie & Greg Hill
Burney Garelick
Carol & Richard Holcombe
Michelle Holman
Peter Howison
Mike Jacobson
Jan Jagoe
Michele Jean
Liz and Roger Johnson
Carol Jolley
Ginny & Garry Kelly
Blaise Khufu
Ray Kinney
Larry Korosec
Natashe Kupras
Marsha and John Lang
Kathy & Jack Lenox
Dorothy Lewis
Holly Lowell
Paul Makuch
Eileen McGregor & Don Norton
Jerry Medler
Jane Meyer
John Minter
Susie Navetta
Sue Noble
Lea Patten
Doris & Wilbur Patterson
Rebecca Parquet
Terri Pennington
Liz Purtell
Jane Rincon
Jim Rassmann
Pat Romanov
Glen Rose
Richard Russell
Ken Rystrom
Annie Schmidt
John Scott
Robert Serra
Kathy Shamey
Gayle Sisson
Laura Smith
John Stead
Sharon Stiles
Mark E. Tilton
Harold Titus
Nathen Ulrich
Nancy Walker
Jerry Wasserburg
Hal Weiner
George Weiss
Jim Wellington
Wendy White
Geoffrey Wilson
Maria & John Yager
KXCR Community Radio Station
PO Box 127, Florence, OR 97439
Copyright © 2025 KXCR Community Radio Station - All Rights Reserved.